
信驊科技為一家卓越的Fabless無晶圓廠IC設計公司,本公司為市場頂尖SoC系統解決方案的領導者與創始者,專注於高毛利之利基型市場,並致力於研發創新與差異化之產品。其研發領域涵蓋:伺服器管理晶片、PC /AV影音延伸、桌面虛擬化(VDI)解決方案。本公司成立於 2004年,2014年並榮獲富比士雜誌(Forbes)評選為亞太地區200大最佳中小企業 (Asia's 200 Best Under a Billion)。ASPEED總部位於台灣新竹科學工業園區,欲了解更多訊息,請參訪ASPEED官方網站



In the rapidly emerging Internet era, the underlying building blocks are formed by vast amount of servers. Hence, the management necessities for these servers become fundamental requirement. The goal in implementing server management strategy is simple, which is to minimize and prevent issues that lead to extensive downtime, and reduce IT maintenance costs. The means to do so will require autonomous monitoring and recovery with remote management capabilities. In order to fulfill the needs of server management, Intel leads the IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) specification, which the core of management is provided by base board management controller. 


ASPEED Server Management product lines are designed to enrich the basic feature set with 2D graphic controller, hardware monitoring capabilities, and iKVM function.  Customer can select and implement from our Graphics & Remote Management Processors to best fit their design needs. 

PC / 影音延伸

Evolving from monochrome display to  High Definition, multimedia information delivery is transforming our lives in every aspect. From office to factory floor, home to in flight entertainment. All of which now requires display connections and extensions. With the increasing usage scenarios that demands distance extension with multimedia information delivery, our PC/AV Extension solutions are design to address the market demands. 

Our core technology includes 


•Display over IP


•USB over IP


•Audio over IP


With our core technologies, we are able to support PC Extensions for application scenario such as PC-to-TV, PC centralization for Internet Cafe, and Enterprise PC over IP.


Also, our support for AV Extensions not only includes 1-to-1 AV Extenders, but also multi-input to multi-output AV extension with High Definition content.


Nowadays more and more corporates are building their own desktop virtualization infrastructures (VDI) in order to ensure information security, reduce IT management efforts, better utilize hardware resources, save electricity, etc. For VDI application, it’s very important that the responses of the thin or zero clients are quick enough so that the users feel like using personal computers.


To realize the seamless transition to VDI, Aspeed brings to the world the revolutionary thin/zero client SoC. The solution is particularly designed with hardware accelerators to fortify performance while still achieves low power consumption and low costs from the benefits of ARM architecture. On the other hand, Aspeed provides total solutions in terms of chip, firmware, and reference design, which can help customers shorten the time to the market.