【產品介紹】ADuM4122 隔離式閘極驅動器
ADuM4122 是一款隔離式單元件雙輸出驅動器,採用iCoupler®技術實現高精度隔離。 ADuM4122 通過 8 引腳寬體 SOIC 封裝提供 5 kV rms 隔離。 這些隔離元件集高速互補金屬氧化物半導體 (CMOS) 和單晶片變壓器技術於一身,能夠提供比替代產品(例如脈衝變壓器和閘極驅動器的組合)更出色的性能特點。
ADuM4122 採用 3.3 V 到 6.5 V 的輸入電壓範圍,相容較低的電壓系統。 與採用高壓電平轉換方法的柵極驅動器不同,ADuM4122 可在輸入和輸出區域之間實現真正的電氣隔離。
ADuM4122 包括兩個輸出引腳,便於進行兩個輸出驅動強度的壓擺率控制。 VOUT 引腳遵循 VIN+ 引腳的邏輯,而升壓輸出 VOUT_SRC 可以切換為遵循 VIN+ 引腳或設置為高阻抗。 壓擺率的切換由初級側控制。 壓擺率控制可降低電磁干擾 (EMI) 並實現電壓過衝控制。
如果 ADuM4122 的內部溫度超過熱關斷溫度,則內部熱關斷會設置為低輸出。
因此,ADuM4122 能夠可靠控制絕緣閘極雙極晶體管 (IGBT) 和金屬氧化物半導體場效應晶體管 (MOSFET) 配置在各種開關電壓下的開關特性,從而實現簡單的slew rate控制。
- 開關式電源
- 隔離式IGBT和MOSFET閘極驅動器
- 工業逆變器
The EVAL-ADuM4122EBZ evaluation board supports the ADuM4122 isolated gate driver with slew rate control.iCoupler® technology provides isolation between the ADuM4122 input signal and the output gate driver. The evaluation board supplies jumpers and screw terminals to configure different drive conditions. The EVAL-ADuM4122EBZ board operates with square waves and dc values on the VIN+ and SRC pins.
The ADuM4122 is operational with voltages of up to 35 V. Logic level voltages at the VIN+ pin control the VOUT output. The SRC pin controls whether the VOUT_SRC pin is either set to high-Z or follows the logic of the user supplied pulse-width modulation (PWM) input at VIN+. When the external series gate resistors combine the outputs from the VOUT and VOUT_SRC pins, one isolated gate driver is then able to have two easily selectable slew rates.
The EVAL-ADuM4122EBZ board tests the propagation delay, drive strength, slew rate selection, and input logic of the device.
Refer to the ADuM4122 data sheet for complete information about the ADuM4122, and consult the data sheet in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation board.
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